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Téléchargement PDF FO-THE BIG PENIS BOOK, by Dian Hanson
Après de longues périodes, les livres deviennent toujours une sélection pour obtenir la source, les sources de confiance et aussi valides. Les sujets sur les affaires, la gestion, la politique, la législation, ainsi que plusieurs autres sujets sont proposés. Plusieurs auteurs de faire dans le monde entier en permanence le livre à être mis à jour. L'étude de la recherche, l'expérience, la compréhension et les motivations viennent constamment un temps aux autres. Il confirmera ce livre est hors du temps et aussi remarquable.
Lorsque certaines personnes envisagez - vous en lisant FO-THE BIG PENIS BOOK, By Dian Hanson , vous pouvez vous sentir très honorée. Pourtant, au lieu d'autres personnes que vous devez inculquer à se sent sur votre propre que vous lisez FO-THE BIG PENIS BOOK, By Dian Hanson pas en raison de cette raison. La lecture de ce FO-THE BIG PENIS BOOK, By Dian Hanson vous donnera plus que les individus apprécient. Il guidera certainement reconnaître plus que les individus qui vous regardent. Aujourd'hui encore, il existe de nombreuses sources à savoir, l' examen d' un livre FO-THE BIG PENIS BOOK, By Dian Hanson se termine toujours par être le coureur avant comme un excellent moyen.
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Détails sur le produit
Relié: 384 pages
Editeur : Taschen; Édition : 01 (12 mai 2008)
Collection : Fotografia
Langue : Anglais
ISBN-10: 3836502135
ISBN-13: 978-3836502139
Dimensions du produit:
30,7 x 3,8 x 29,9 cm
Moyenne des commentaires client :
3.4 étoiles sur 5
4 commentaires client
Classement des meilleures ventes d'Amazon:
299.042 en Livres (Voir les 100 premiers en Livres)
oui pour la tailles (livre et penis..), pour le 3D qui fonctionne très bienPar contre dommage qu'il n'y ait que des images en 3D et en noir et blanc.En tout cas, ma pote l'a adoré! (et moi aussi !!)
tres bien fait de tres belles images de tres bonnes qualités dans un beau recueil je vous le conseil sans probleme
This book is only a series of stupid and ordinary porn pictures which you can find for free on internet or by buying any cheap porn magazin. This is absolutely scandalous to sell such miserable rubish for such a price !I WILL NEVER BUY ANYTHING AGAIN AT TASHEN !!!!!!!!
I recommend this book for people who are more interested in seeings incredible photos. The vintage shots of nude men are outstanding, for the most part. A feast for my eyes, such a decadent spread. I was impressed with the visuals. I also feel as if I learned a lot about these men/models and the photogs who captured them so amazingly. It left me feeling grateful that all of these men who posed for the pictures are not shy or unwilling to be admired by anybody's eyes.. It's great to see so many various types of guys with large endowment. The book is pretty heavy, Which is slightly bothersome. I found a good quality copy that was used, for a nice price. Thanks, Amazon!
If you want to see what some lucky men have in their pants then buy this book. I showed the book to my wife and she got scared though she did admire their beauty. Some of the men are stunning, their penises are works of art.
It's a fun mix of two interesting topics - 3D and big penises. Some of the images are rather dated, but still in 3D and still pretty large penises. Had lots of laughs - it was a gift for a friend, and made for a fun party. Not everyone's cup of tea, but if it is, it's pretty good.
You don't have to worry about what the adjective modifies in the title of the book _The Big Penis Book_ (Taschen). The book is big. It is twelve inches square, and weighs over seven pounds, with almost four hundred heavy, glossy pages. It is just the sort of book that can go on your coffee table, if you have such a table to support it, and if you like penises. Big penises. For the penises are big, too. Page after page here, hundreds of photographs, show men who, relaxed or erect, have penises ranging from remarkably large, to gargantuan, to (literally) fantastically huge. Dian Hanson, who previously brought out the less-ambiguously-titled but still similarly-themed _The Big Book of Breasts_, has edited what is mostly a book of photographs, with text that is generally reminiscences of photographers who were shooting models during the 1960- 1990 period, pictures that would go into small distribution magazines or private collections. The pictures, however, are the show, and they are a treat to look at.As Hanson points out in her introduction, there is no denying the allure of a large penis. "Flaccid or erect, it is aesthetically stunning - commanding every onlooker to consider capacity and consequence." She points out how evolution has formed penises to be big in our species but also to be the objects of our candid regard. So how big is a big penis? The "most prolific penis measurer in history" was probably Professor Alfred Kinsey, who collected statistics from 3,500 men by giving them a blank card they were supposed to put along the top of their erections, mark, and send in. Kinsey didn't find anyone with a penis longer than nine inches, but there are plenty bigger on display here. The interviews are with the photographers rather than the models because many of the models aren't around any more, dead like John Holmes from AIDS, or running businesses or heading families that preclude participating in or reminiscing about their photogenic days. The photographers themselves have moved on, to advertising shots, art production, or launching a quarterly magazine on ancient Egypt. They talk about their models from long ago with fondness (some were lovers); one says, "I'm a frustrated father and I take an interest in a number of these young men - not because I fancy them, but because they've had nightmare childhoods." Some of the photographers remember the models complaining about having too much of a good thing, yearning for penis-reduction surgery because either they attracted only lovers who just wanted a big penis, or because a big penis restricted some of the activities that normal penises routinely enjoy. This is a good message for those of us who know they'll never measure up to the examples in the photos here, or will never have a lover of these dimensions. Hanson writes that fretting over size is silly: "Why should we invest all this anxiety in a couple of inches when we can simply sit back, pop a beer, and let the big boys entertain us like a good game of baseball?"The photographs are certainly entertaining. There are bound to be those who like to see the possessor of a large penis wearing boots and a leather cap and belt; others are going to find the props pretty silly. Why does this one have a cowboy hat and cap pistol, for instance, and why does this other one think it is time to serenade us on his guitar? One of them gives an emphatic answer to the old question of what a Scotsman has under his kilt. The guys are handsome (often in styles that are already dated), usually with good physiques, and many of the photographs have been fussed over as would befit any studio production. The men who smile at the camera, as if they were playing a happy prank or as if they were sincerely enjoying themselves, look endearing (but maybe that's just my kink). The penises are not just big; flaccid they might do anything, but in erection they are straight, curved, even bent; they are circumcised or not; some look smooth and others look textured; some have a big glans, some small. The differences are remarkable, and probably all the more noticeable because we don't often look at lots of penises the way this book enables us to do. And while they are not just big, they are indeed big, and because they are big, they are cheerful and optimistic. This is a book of fun.
I gave this to my friend in Massachusetts. He had no complaints, except that he did not qualify to be in it. :))))))
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